Dr. Joyce Man

Learning and Development Manager - PsychologyClinical Psychologist, BA(Psych), GradDipSc(Psych), MClinPsych, PhD, MAPS, AHPRA SupervisorPsychological ServicesCammeraygal CountryLane CoveNSW

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About Me

About Me

Dr Joyce Man is a clinical psychologist and researcher with over 17 years of experience in the disability field. Joyce previously worked as a research associate at Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University where she co-facilitated a group of autism representatives across Europe to promote participatory research within AIMS-2-TRIALS. Joyce also conducted research around autism service pathways. Preliminary findings were used to inform the EU parliament with a view to improving service accessibility and standards for autism-specific and mainstream services for autistic people. Joyce completed her PhD at Macquarie University where she investigated psychologists' adherence to best practice standards when working with individuals with intellectual disabilities and co-occurring mental health conditions and the service experiences of carers. She is the recipient of the 2017 Australian Psychological Society, Psychology of Intellectual Disability and Autism Thesis Award. Joyce has extensive clinical experience in government and non-government disability agencies in Australia, primarily with people with intellectual disabilities and autism. She is also the recipient of a number of industry awards including the FACS 2016 Excellence in Psychology Award in Evidence-Based Practice and The Benevolent Society 2017 Leaders Award. Joyce is passionate about promoting evidence-based practice in the disability field and regularly contributes via lecturing, training, clinical supervision, reviewing papers submitted to journal publications and publishing peer-reviewed research. A full list of Joyce's publications can be found on Google Scholar. https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=E9XsQ0MAAAAJ

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