Updated: Thursday 9/06/2022

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

ORS is committed to providing a safe working environment to all staff, clients and stakeholders. We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates from the State and Federal Government, and we have put a rigorous plan in place to minimise the risk of contamination within our offices and out in the community.

During this time, our priority is to maintain high-quality servicing while preserving the safety of our staff and clients. The management of the Coronavirus situation remains as a primary focus, and we are continually evaluating our approach as updates are received.

We have taken a range of advice from Federal and State Government departments, the National Disability Insurance AgencyThe NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, internal experts and our peers, and this will continue to inform our decision-making process.

What is ORS doing to create a safe environment?

  • We have enhanced communication about the importance and frequency of environmental cleaning, e.g. utilising antibacterial surface sprays.
  • We are continually reemphasising the importance of sound hygiene principles to all staff and have hand sanitiser available to all staff and visitors.
  • We have introduced a COVID-19 health questionnaire which staff utilise before delivering any services to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Staff who have returned from any overseas travel will be excluded from any high-risk activities for 7 days in accordance with the Government’s self-isolation rules for returning travellers. This is specifically in relation to identified high-risk places such as aged care, disability care, healthcare and correctional facilities.

If you are concerned that you or your loved one may be infected:

  • The national 24/7 hotline triages people with respiratory symptoms and those who are worried about contact with a possible Coronavirus case. If you think you may be infected, you can call the triage hotline on 1800 022 222.
  • Suspected Coronavirus patients can present in-person to a GP clinic, a dedicated respiratory clinic or a hospital Emergency Department if they call ahead.
  • If you are a client, please notify us of infection as soon as possible by calling 1800 000 677 or by emailing ORS@orsgroup.com.au

What are our next steps?

Our senior management, executives and the Board are routinely communicating to discuss the current health advice and the impact on our service.

  • As always, you should feel free to call your key contact person at ORS if you have any concerns about yourself, your family member or our service delivery during this time.
  • We will continue to monitor the information provided by the Government to ensure the best response in keeping people safe and infection-free.
  • We need to acknowledge that at some point, this may mean our service will need to pause. We are working on contingency planning to reduce the impact on our clients and staff. We will keep you informed and provide as much lead-time as possible if this is likely to happen.
  • If it is appropriate, alternative options for service provision such as telephone or video consultations will be conducted to ensure you still get the support you need during this time.

For further information and advice on Coronavirus, please visit The Department of Health website

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