Briana Claudio
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About Me
Briana is a Positive Behavioural Practitioner with four years of experience with the NDIS, advocating for participant’s rights and holistic needs. Starting as a Disability Support Worker whilst studying to become a Registered Nurse, she supported NDIS participants with a diverse range of disabilities and complex backgrounds. Experience working with all levels of ASD with/without Behavioural Support Plans, Intellectual Disabilities, and several physical disabilities that include Quadriplegia, Acquired Brain Injuries, Oncology patients requiring in-home, mental health, and end-of-life support, as well as MND and stroke survivors requiring personal, social, community and home care assistance. In addition to this, she has completed over 900 hours of Registered Nurse experience in Geriatrics, General/Medical, Rehabilitation, Perioperative, Cardiothoracic, and Mental Health wards, as well as General Practice triaging for mental health and physically injured patients. Briana also has experience as a Disability Support Coordinator in forensics, liaising with NDIS participants, their families, caregivers, and stakeholders in the allied health multidisciplinary team to work towards and meet the needs and choices to achieve individual goals.