Grace Austin

DietitianBNutr&Diet(Hons), APDDieteticsDarkinjung CountryErinaNSW

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About Me

About Me

Graces dietetic practice involves a holistic person-centred approach delivering tailored advice. Grace is committed to understanding client’s needs and developing individualised and sustainable nutrition care plans. She incorporates a Health At Every Size (HAES) physiology which focuses on healthy behaviours, rather than a focus simply on reducing body size. She believes in placing more emphasis on intuitive eating and mindfulness and removing the pressure of weight loss. She has experience using medical nutrition therapy to manage client’s medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, food allergies and intolerances, all aspects of gastrointestinal health, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Additionally, her expertise includes delivering tailored interventions for weight loss, general healthy eating and to plant-based diets. Grace believes understanding your body and building a nourishing lifestyle should not be hard or confusing. Grace strives to deliver optimal dietetic care for every client. Grace also leads clinical trials at the University of Newcastle and is completing her PhD. She has published multiple research papers in high impact peer-reviewed journals and is the treasurer for the Nutrition Society Australia (NSA).


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