Megan Faulks
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About Me
Megan loves science, particularly biology and learning how all the cells and systems of the body work together for us to be able to function optimally. This led her to pursue a degree in Medical Biotechnology at the University of Wollongong and work within the field of immunology research for several years. She studied B cells, our cells that produce antibodies against harmful intruders like bacteria and viruses and provide our long-term immune protection. During this time, she fell in love with cooking and making nutritious foods that could nourish her body. Once she learnt more about how different foods could impact our health and well-being, shecundertook a master’s in nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Sydney. Now, as an APD, she is passionate about translating complex nutrition science into easy, practical advice for her clients so that they can make sustainable changes that suit their unique lifestyles and positively impact their lives.