Ryan Ho-Shon
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About Me
Ryan has extensive experience performing a variety of personalised support roles fora diverse range of clients in the disability sector. He began his vocation in therapeutic roles as a Child Behavioural Therapist in 2020, specialising in applying the principles of ABA for children with developmental disabilities for 3 years. At the beginning of2022, he also undertook a role as a Psychosocial Support Worker, providing support to clients with psychotic, personality, developmental, neurodevelopmental, anxiety, mood, intellectual and trauma/stressor-related disorders for 2 years. Through this wide array of experiences, with different clients, of distinct presentations, Ryan developed a comprehensive understanding of the necessity of holistic, person-centred support. Ryan recognises the need for support networks to recognise each client as unique, as well as endlessly deserving of compassion, and endeavours to echo this sentiment both implicitly and explicitly in the support he provides. Ryan appreciates how novel the journey of connecting with each new client is and believes the success of any therapeutic intervention is heavily predicated on the strength of the personal and professional relationships within the client's team. Ryan enjoys developing his own relationship with his body and mind and loves to watch the passion of those around him as they do the same in whatever way they enjoy best.