ORS Service Explainer:
Recommendation Letter to inform NDIS Plan Review – A Recommendation Letter that provides the NDIA with supporting evidence that additional support or equipment is required within a participant’s NDIS funding.
To learn more about the Early Childhood Support services available at ORS :
Featuring ORS’ amazing staff:
Katie Cole: https://orsgroup.com.au/profile/katie.cole/
About Us:
ORS has been in the business of making a difference to people with disability and injuries for over 30 years! We provide a range of allied health and workplace rehabilitation services across key industries such as the NDIS, workers’ compensation, health, injury prevention and aged care. Our service delivery is underpinned by clinically informed, evidence based and person-centred practices which empower others to reach their potential and achieve their goals.
Contact us:
Intake Team: referrals@orsgroup.com.au | https://orsgroup.com.au/refer/
Careers: careers@orsgroup.com.au | https://orsgroup.com.au/careers/
General Enquiries: ors@orsgroup.com.au | 1800 000 677
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