Alissa came to ORS so that we could help with her communication skills after her stroke.
ORS NSW State Manager for Speech Pathology Jane-Maree Perkins, shares with us how we helped Alissa to ‘skill develop’ after her challenging stroke journey. But the biggest push has come from Alissa herself. Her grit, determination and tenacity to make positive changes in her life are truly inspiring.

Thank you Alissa for allowing us to share in your journey and show how your world has now opened up with new opportunities and self-confidence.

If you would like to know more, call us for a chat today or make a referral. 1800 000 677 or head to to process a referral online.

#GoodNewsStory #SpeechPathology #Stroke #Encourage #ORS #ORSTools #ORSHelp #EveryDayLifeHelp #ServicesThatWork #AlliedHealth #NDIS #NdisProvider #MentalHealth janemareeperkinsors

Good News Story with Jane Maree and Alissa

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