As we draw to a close for Healthy Lunchbox week we thought it was appropriate to introduce Samantha Assaf, a new member of our Dietetics team! Samantha has experience working in the disability and paediatric space and is skilled in navigating medically and socially complex cases with clients. ORS’ Dietetics team can support individuals of all ages who present with a broad spectrum of disabilities including psychological difficulties including anxiety, depression, personality disorders, psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar, ASD, ABI and more. If you would to know more information on services available for you, or someone you care for, then contact us today on 1800 000 677 or click here to make a referral:
#HealthyLuncboxWeek2023 #SchoolKids #Children #Dietetics #Dietitian #Nutrition #HealthyLifeStyle #Food #ORS #ORSGroup #LifeChanging #ORSTools #ORSHelp #NdisProvider #AlliedHealth SamanthaAssafors