ORS was invited on board with Midway Community Care to help support Michelle with her history of complex behaviours.

Courtney Patterson, ORS State Manager for Positive Behaviour Support, shares with us how a multidisciplinary team approach was taken with behaviour support, physio, and occupational therapy all working together in helping to improve Michelle’s quality of life.

Thank you Michelle for allowing us to share in your journey and show how your world has now opened up with new opportunities and self-confidence.

If you would like to know more, call us for a chat today or make a referral. 1800 000 677 or https://www.orsgroup.com.au/refer/

#GoodNewsStory #ComplexBehaviours #Encourage #BehaviourSupport #ORS #BehaviourStrategies #Physiotherapy #OccupationalTherapy #ORSTools #ORSHelp #EveryDayLifeHelp #ServicesThatWork #AlliedHealth #NDIS #NdisProvider #mentalhealth

Michelle and Courtney Positive Behaviour Support Good News Story from ORS

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