Welcome to National Nutrition Week, with the aim of showing you how to support your health and ‘Get the most out of your veg’. 🍎🥦
ORS’ National Manager for Dietetics Erene Thong shares some tips and information on giving you the right tools and highlights the important role veggies can play in our health and wellbeing.
If you would like food and nutrition advice tailored to your daily needs, or you simply want more information, then contact us today to kick start your health journey. Call us on 1800 000 677 or visit our website to make a referral https://www.orsgroup.com.au/refer/
#TryFor5 #NationalNutritionWeek2022 #EatMoreVeg #Dietetics #Dietitian #Nutrition #HealthyLifeStyle #Food #ORS #OrsGroup #LifeChanging #ORSTools #ORSHelp #NdisProvider #alliedhealth