Did you know that a recent study found that 32% of Australians who reported bullying, one-third of those had thought about suicide, a third had planned suicide, and a third had made an attempt or suicided. It remains the third leading cause of death in Australia for adolescents.

Hear from Jamie Charlesworth, ORS’ Behaviour Support Manager. talking about the relationship between bullying and suicide and warning signs to look out for.

As we celebrate National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence today please remember that if you see something, say something as kindness and culture starts with you!

If you’re feeling that you need that little bit of extra help or assistance with your adolescent or someone you care for, then please feel free to call us on 1800 000 677 or visit our website to make a referral: https://www.orsgroup.com.au/refer/

#BullyingNoWay #NDA2022 #KindnessCulture #ORS #ServicesThatWork #AlliedHealth #NDIS #NdisProvider #MentalHealth


ORS National Day Of Action Against Bullying And Violence with Jamie Charlesworth

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