With the kids recently returning to school, it’s quite appropriate that we highlight ‘Healthy Lunchbox Week’.The week aims to inspire Australian families to create healthy and enjoyable lunchboxes, so it’s appropriate that we hear from ORS’ National Manager for Dietetics, Erene Thong, as she shares some of her top tips to create a healthy lunchbox, keeping your little munchkins filled with the right foods for their growing bodies. Stay tuned this week for more tips, information and resources for you. At ORS, we are passionate about supporting people to improve their quality of life and overall well-being so if you would like more information please feel free to call us on 1800 000 677 or visit our website to make a referral: https://www.orsgroup.com.au/refer/

#HealthyLuncboxWeek2023 #SchoolKids #Children #Dietetics #Dietitian #Nutrition #HealthyLifeStyle #Food #ORS #ORSGroup #LifeChanging #ORSTools #ORSHelp #NdisProvider #AlliedHealth erenethongors

ORS’ Welcome to Healthy Lunchbox Week

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