Today we are celebrating World Autism Awareness Day with a special video featuring Andre and ORS Occupational Therapist Keira Stegeman.

How does Andre describe Austim?

“Autism means that it can be a bit difficult to start conversations and continue conversations. And we also see the world in a different view.”

Thank you Andre for allowing us to share your thoughts and feelings!

ORS is “committed to standing together to make a world of difference for people on the spectrum”.

If you, or someone you care for, would like more information then please feel free to call us on 1800 000 677 or visit our website to make a referral

#WAUD2023 #Autism #AutismAwareness #AutismAwarenessWeek #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AutismSupport #WorldAutismAwarenessDay #AutismAcceptance #AutismFamily #ORS #ORSGroup #AlliedHealth #OccupationalTherapy #NDIS keirastegemanors

ORS’ World Autism Awareness Day with Andre

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