Workplace Rehabilitation and Health at ORS

Workplace Rehabilitation and Health

Workplace Rehabilitation and Health

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What is Workplace Rehabilitation and Health?

Our workplace rehabilitation consultants identify and address any risk factors which may impact a successful return to work following an injury or illness and provide evidenced-based advice in support of optimal recovery and return to work outcomes.

In delivering these services, we have supported thousands of Australians to realise the health benefits of good work and meet the objectives of our involvement.

These objectives include:

  • Individuals staying in or returning to good work following an injury or illness.
  • Positive experiences for returning workers who are ill or injured.
  • Employers preparing for, effectively responding to and managing injury or illness.

We place a strong emphasis on empowering individuals, and to ensuring that our services are client-centred and focused to helping people maximise their potential. Our recovery focus is complemented by a shared interest in helping all stakeholders to understand and support the plan so that the person can experience consistent support from all stakeholders for their goals and actions specified in the plan.

Our experienced allied health team are able to provide high quality workplace rehabilitation support due to their extensive training and qualifications, wide range of experiences, and our internal professional development program. For more specific information about the team’s individual experience and areas of expertise, you can view Our Expertise. 

For anyone seeking workplace rehabilitation and health services, please see our list of services below.

Play Video about Good News Story with Rehabilitation Consultant and Employer

Good News Story

With Asama

“The reason why I came to ORS was to get help with workplace rehabilitation and to give people a second chance. I think that’s what ORS has been providing and the service they have given to the clients I’ve dealt with is all about second chances and giving them the opportunity to go back to normality and go back to the workplace with a safe, laid-back easy transition to work.” – Asama Jamaa (AJ Painting and Deco).

Services available

Return to new employment (NES)

This service is to assist workers in finding new employment if they cannot return to their pre-injury employer by providing support to achieve employment, including ongoing case management, medical case conferences, job-seeking skills, support with treatment coordination, and reverse marketing. 

This service is to assist workers in finding new employment if they cannot return to their pre-injury employer by providing support to achieve employment, including ongoing case management, medical case conferences, job-seeking skills, support with treatment coordination, and reverse marketing. 

Return to same employment (SES)​

If a worker returns to the same employer after a workplace injury, this service provides support including ongoing case management, medical case conferences, workplace assessments, support with treatment coordination and facilitated discussions with stakeholders. 

If a worker returns to the same employer after a workplace injury, this service provides support including ongoing case management, medical case conferences, workplace assessments, support with treatment coordination and facilitated discussions with stakeholders. 

Initial needs assessment (INA)

An assessment of a worker and their workplace rehabilitation requirements. The recommendations are provided in a rehabilitation plan. 

An assessment of a worker and their workplace rehabilitation requirements. The recommendations are provided in a rehabilitation plan. 

Workplace assessment

This assessment is undertaken at the workplace to review a worker’s pre-injury duties to identify suitable duties that can be performed safely.  

This assessment is undertaken at the workplace to review a worker’s pre-injury duties to identify suitable duties that can be performed safely.  

Functional capacity assessment

An assessment of a worker’s current work capacity against relevant work demands to determine the suitability of a current plan and establishing recovery at work opportunities.  

An assessment of a worker’s current work capacity against relevant work demands to determine the suitability of a current plan and establishing recovery at work opportunities.  

Activity of daily living assessment (ADL)

This assessment evaluates a worker’s level of independence and function following a workplace injury or illness in relation to their personal care, leisure, and social needs to identify any support and assistance required during recovery.   

This assessment evaluates a worker’s level of independence and function following a workplace injury or illness in relation to their personal care, leisure, and social needs to identify any support and assistance required during recovery.   

Vocational Assessment

An assessment to identify a worker’s suitable options for employment, relevant to their capacity, skills and experience.  

An assessment to identify a worker’s suitable options for employment, relevant to their capacity, skills and experience.  

Vocational counselling​

Counselling to assist workers in developing return to work goals by improving self and occupational awareness, overcoming barriers impacting the return to work process and assisting with decision-making. 

Counselling to assist workers in developing return to work goals by improving self and occupational awareness, overcoming barriers impacting the return to work process and assisting with decision-making. 

Labour market analysis​

Identifies the availability of suitable employment options within the current labour market. 

Identifies the availability of suitable employment options within the current labour market. 

Job development and marketing​

Education modules to support and facilitate a worker’s independence to find suitable employment and assistance with job search, interviews, adapting to work and additional support with keeping employment.  

Education modules to support and facilitate a worker’s independence to find suitable employment and assistance with job search, interviews, adapting to work and additional support with keeping employment.  

Intensive Job Development (IJD)

Intensive, specialist job seeking model supports workers previously unsuccessful in workplace rehabilitation programs with intensive, tailored one-on-one vocational services with the purpose of preventing their long term disengagement from employment.

Intensive, specialist job seeking model supports workers previously unsuccessful in workplace rehabilitation programs with intensive, tailored one-on-one vocational services with the purpose of preventing their long term disengagement from employment.

Medical case conference

A collaborative discussion between relevant stakeholders to develop and review the actions required for a worker to achieve their recovery at work or return to work goals. 

A collaborative discussion between relevant stakeholders to develop and review the actions required for a worker to achieve their recovery at work or return to work goals. 

Workplace facilitated discussions​

A service tfacilitate meetings to help resolve workplace relationship issues that may be impacting recovery at work or return to work processes. 

A service tfacilitate meetings to help resolve workplace relationship issues that may be impacting recovery at work or return to work processes. 

Medical management

This service provides guidance to workers on treatment referrals to assist in preliminary recovery prior to return to work considerations and educating them on how they are best able to access suitable treatments. 

This service provides guidance to workers on treatment referrals to assist in preliminary recovery prior to return to work considerations and educating them on how they are best able to access suitable treatments. 

Recover at work plan / Return to work plan

A plan detailing the tasks and actions required to achieve recovery at work and return to work goals.  

A plan detailing the tasks and actions required to achieve recovery at work and return to work goals.  

Ergonomic assessment​

An assessment of a worker and the suitability of their work environment configuration such as seating arrangements, physical behaviours including frequency of postural changes, equipment use (computers, accessories, keyboards and machinery), and other environmental factors (noise and light) throughout the workplace.  

An assessment of a worker and the suitability of their work environment configuration such as seating arrangements, physical behaviours including frequency of postural changes, equipment use (computers, accessories, keyboards and machinery), and other environmental factors (noise and light) throughout the workplace.  

Manual handling training​

Individual or group training at a workplace including a risk assessment, basic anatomy education and training for safe manual handling practices, e.g. lifting, carrying and unloading duties. 

Individual or group training at a workplace including a risk assessment, basic anatomy education and training for safe manual handling practices, e.g. lifting, carrying and unloading duties. 

Manual handling risk assessment

An assessment and analysis of a job role to identify manual handling hazards to make recommendations to minimise or eliminate the risk of a hazard in the workplace. 

An assessment and analysis of a job role to identify manual handling hazards to make recommendations to minimise or eliminate the risk of a hazard in the workplace. 

Pre-employment screening​

A general medical review of potential employees and testing of range of motion, muscle strength, cardiovascular and heart rate to assess a candidates suitability to the demands of a job. 

A general medical review of potential employees and testing of range of motion, muscle strength, cardiovascular and heart rate to assess a candidates suitability to the demands of a job. 

Warm up for work

This service provides workers with suitable stretching and warm-up exercises tailored to the workplace and physical demands of the role.  

This service provides workers with suitable stretching and warm-up exercises tailored to the workplace and physical demands of the role.  

Contact ORS today and see how we can help you achieve your goals

How are these services funded and accessed?


Workplace rehabilitation services are engaged by the insurer or employer to provide expert services when assistance to support an employee’s recovery and return to work is required. Additionally, these services can be directly requested by workers or accessed via referrals from treating professionals.  

There are several personal injury insurance schemes that are available to support worker’s accessing these services including workers compensation, compulsory third party and income protection insurance. We can perform these services in all major schemes across Australia.  


These services are directly funded by employers seeking preventative strategies to support the health and wellbeing of their employees.  

To access both our rehabilitation and health services, complete a referral form and our friendly admin team will match you with a suitable consultant for your first appointment.  

Frequently asked questions

While a doctor, employer or insurer can recommend a workplace rehabilitation provider, the worker always has a say in which provider they work with. A worker can request to change or choose their own provider to partner with for their recovery. 

As some workers may have a limited knowledge of workplace rehabilitation, sometimes more experienced stakeholders will recommend a particular provider to best suit the worker’s individual circumstances. If a provider has been engaged but is not the most appropriate provider for the worker’s needs, or their circumstances or return to work goal changes, they can request to change to a provider that more appropriately meet their needs. 

We would love to talk to you about your career and how we can support you.

Workplace rehabilitation services are provided by rehabilitation consultants who are experienced in delivering services that promote and facilitate a worker’s return to work.  

Consultants are required to have allied health qualifications in areas such as physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy, rehabilitation counselling, exercise physiology, social work or nursing. All workplace rehabilitation providers are required to provide services in line with the service provision principles developed by the Heads of Workers Compensation Authorities Guide: Nationally Consistent Approval Framework for Rehabilitation Providers.  

Workers with personal injury insurance claims can speak with their insurance provider and request the provision of workplace rehabilitation services. This can also be requested via a referral from a treating professional being included on the medical certificate. 



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