OT – Unity through Community

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The theme for the 2023 Occupational Therapy (OT) week is Unity through Community. Let’s explore what that means.

What is a Community setting?

The community is any place that is meaningful to the client. The community can include childcare, kindergarten, school, workplaces, day centres and local shopping centres. It could even extend out to dance halls, farms, neighbourhood houses or a local playground.

It is as individual as our clients!

How do Occupational Therapists help in the Community?

ORS OTs often work with clients away from the office or clinic. OT intervention can be based in any community setting, and as OTs, we believe we can best help clients where they function and, in the settings, relevant to the goals they want to achieve or barriers they wish to overcome. Here are some examples

Vegetables are also full of nutrients that have protective health benefits including vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals:

How can an ORS Occupational Therapist help?

ORS has therapists nationally who are highly experienced and very passionate about working with our clients to reach their goals. For more information about our services at team, or to make a referral, please visit www.orsgroup.com.au or call us on 1800000 677.

To learn more about our amazing staff visit Our Expertise.

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