Did you know that there is no week purely dedicated to Positive Behaviour Support across the globe?
So, in true ORS fashion, this week is now known as Positive Behaviour Support Week where we get to celebrate all things PBS and highlight our wonderful dedicated and passionate practitioners who are making such a difference to so many lives across Australia.
Check out our welcome video from ORS’ General Manager for Positive Behaviour Support Dr Carmen Atkinson and with the theme “Let’s Get To Know Positive Behaviour Support” stay tuned for more informative content throughout the week!
If you’re seeking the right advice or help then contact our experienced positive behaviour support practitioners today: call 1800 000 677 or visit our website to make a referral: https://www.orsgroup.com.au/refer/
Or, If you’re interested in joining the ORS PBS Crew then your dream job is only a one-minute quick apply link away: https://www.orsgroup.com.au/quick-apply/
#PBSW2023 #PostiveBehaviourSupportWeek #BehaviourSupport #MentalHealth #OrsGroup #ORS #ORSHelp #ORSTools #NDIS #AlliedHealth #Jobs #Careers #CarmenAtkinsonORS