With the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras festival starting today we are very proud to hear from some of our LGBTQI+ ORS family members on why the Mardi Gras festival began, why it’s important, and what it means to them.

The theme this year is “United We Shine” which signifies that we shine brighter when we band together. Here at ORS, we understand how important it is to stand up against inequality and hate and that everyone has the right to feel safe and respected.

Shine brightly and have a wonderful Mardi Gras Festival.

#MardiGrasFestival2022 #UnitedWeShine #ShineBrightly #LGBTQI+ORS #Family #BandTogether #ORS #ORSFamily #Love #JoyceMannors

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival – Why it began, with ORS

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